This is adorable.
fatbastard25 we talk about my kids health insurance money, but i really can`t give that money to you
fatbastard25 if my kids get sick i have no insurance or money…
then about 10 lines later (I was away)
fatbastard25 princess i need you and love you. I can give you that insurance money
fatbastard25 you deserve then more that my kids
fatbastard25 fucking bitch
fatbastard25 has signed out.
Yes, I agree. I am a fucking bitch. And you are sick. For the love of GOD anyone who’s fantasy is fucking over his kids HAS FUCKING SERIOUS DOCTOR ISSUES.
He should sell his kids to Arabs. That way he gets the money to pay you and his kids get better parents. Its a win-win-loser situation.