"i love when you use me Princess. i know that is the only attention you will ever give me, Princess."
I have so many little pieces, so many little clips, scattered through My computer just waiting. Waiting to use against you. Do NOT disappoint Me.
A MAN doesn’t fantasize about sucking cock. What does that make you?
Cumdump – *sigh* TUITION and CAR PAYMENT are over due. I am emailing you a little task. I wouldn’t call it a punishment because you DO get something out of it. But I EXPECT ALL completed.
Piggy Justin paid $500 tonight, $400+ due upon My return. Let’s make it $600 tonight loser.
Mistress, i was travelling and returned yesterday. i sent tuition and car payment this morning.
Mistress, i was travelling and returned yesterday. i sent tuition and car payment this morning.
Mistress, i was travelling and returned yesterday. i sent tuition and car payment this morning.
Mistress, i was travelling and returned yesterday. i sent tuition and car payment this morning.