Princess Meggerz,
Hello and thanks a lot for your time. I do not want to take up much of your time, so I apologize for being more brief than I would like to be.
Basically Princess, I’m a fan of yours and I read your blog from time to time. I wanted to ask if, in the near future, there was anything I could do to help you out in some way. I understand that you recently moved and I would really enjoy getting a chance to assist you in any way, as New York is not very far from me and I pass through a fair amount. I’m not very well off financially at the moment due to *********, but I would know your time is worth a lot and would pay what I could if it was enough
I’m not really looking for anything “kinky” unless for whatever reason you wanted that. I’m mainly looking for an opportunity to clean, paint, research, or do anything else that could make your life easier or just your move easier. I have a pretty laid back schedule for summer *****, so weekdays could work for me if there was any work.
I really appreciate your time and regardless of whether I hear back from you I wanted to say just how highliy I think of you. You are great at what you do and I hope you have continued success.
Also, I hope you don’t find this weird, but I created an email account via yahoo just to send a picture of myself to you. Not that it should matter to you, but I do feel better not being anonymous. The login is ***** and the password is ******
Thank you again Princess Meggerz.
A chance to take Me out shopping, a nice ‘intimate’ lunch setting, and OMG! actually stepping foot into My apartment to do some work. Oh and My personal phone number. Can you imagine how surreal that experience was for My little fan? “and the lady will have…” bahahaha
-No, we did not “session,” he simply drove 2+ hours to make Me happy for the day.
Thank you so so much for allowing me to serve you today Princess, I only wish I were able to give you even more money, as you deserve everything. I’m such a worthless pathetic loser and you let me be your bitch for the day anyway. I’m not worthy of your divine time. You’ve given meaning to my pitiful life and I know that my ultimate purpose is to serve you and make your life better. I still can’t believe that I actually got to meet you and serve you in person. What a lucky little loser I am. Thank you again Princess Meggerz
With all this being said I am now taking applications for SERIOUS subs only. None of that ‘piss in my face please Princess’ riffraff. A respectful email sent along with $25 tribute (reason to open and read it) is all you need to do. I am looking for a sub to:
- Clean – this includes the turtle tank, litter box, My toilet, linens, dusting, vacuuming, etc.
- Errands – (My BMW is parked in a garage at the moment) grocery shopping, large item shopping – MUST HAVE A CAR
- Spoiling – shopping where I choose while YOU pay. Can be in Manhattan or wherever I chose.
- Dinner / Drinks – sounds easy right? Don’t impress Me off the bat and I will be sure to embarrass you and make your night a living hell.