Clipvia Contest

I have a ton of email to go through but haven’t really caught up on anything since returning home from Peru.  

Cagedcuck won a little impromptu clip contest. he was the first to buy 5 clips of Mine off clipvia and therefor won ONE FREE CUSTOM CLIP.
you want a custom clip also?
Go buy 6 clips from clipvia and I will make a custom 5 minute just for YOU.

ratboi paid for My pedi I have yet to go get. First $100 pedi ever heh.

-cumdump made My tummy happy. 

Waiting for Me when I got home,

But I have been spending a lot of time working on something special just for ME. Maybe I will be on cam tonight, maybe not. We’ll see how I feel after I take a long walk with My dog, enjoy My planned bbq, and taste this new wine I just bought.

In any case, you are NOT exempt from purchasing My clips;
So Many Ways to Squash you

Crushed under My powerful ass? No. Smothered in between My cleavage? NAH
Tease, abused, and left for d3ad. Huh little man? Don’t fret, I do figure out how to dispose of you.
Clips4Sale or CHEAPER on Clipvia

Figured out in 5

Virgin LOSER!
All I wanted to do was prance around in some sexy costume but within 5 minutes I figured your loser ass out. Pathetic and paying for porn.
Clips4sale or CHEAPER on Clipvia

Nigger Learns to Love White Cock

So did the little ape think he was going to jerk off to My cream white-ness?! OH no, I have ulterior motives for blackie.
you jerk it to white cock!

Clips4sale or CHEAPER on Clipvia

Here, There, Everywhere

Still waiting on slutty steven‘s flirty flanting photos wearing My panties that the bimbo owes Me. So cute how the whore goes out of her way to send yet ANOTHER [she has been paying Mz Devious repeatedly this way] company check to pay for her filthy habit.

$215 for a pair of panties. What a dumb whore.

Waynieboi sent his "Wayne" shoes My way while I was gone. He also has a huge package to share with Me next time I catch him on YIM. Worn socks, Uggs, and flipflops he won off My ebanned. YUM

I, on the other hand, promised a little showing of all the shoes he has sent My way recently. What is it waynie? 4, 5, 6 pair maybe? And I am listing even more stinky socks I wore all around Peru. They reek to high hell. My poor little feet have never been so stank before. It’s unbelievable.

chuck fucker is a glutton for punishment. Look at all the little goodies she has sent Me in hopes that one day I will get to test them out on her. Can’t wait to receive the floppy penis double the size of your clitty and I AM adding new chucks to the list. I ADORE My zebra prints.

piggy justin, your email was pathetic. Needy and pathetic. Send Me some cash and I will write back. That’s how much I really care.

I have more I could add but all I really wanna do is drink My Bud Light and upload some Peruvian photos to facebook. Bud Light, meh. I don’t usually do beer.

The way it works

"i love when you use me Princess. i know that is the only attention you will ever give me, Princess."

I have so many little pieces, so many little clips, scattered through My computer just waiting. Waiting to use against you. Do NOT disappoint Me.
A MAN doesn’t fantasize about sucking cock. What does that make you? 

Cumdump – *sigh* TUITION and CAR PAYMENT are over due. I am emailing you a little task. I wouldn’t call it a punishment because you DO get something out of it. But I EXPECT ALL completed. 

Piggy Justin paid $500 tonight, $400+ due upon My return. Let’s make it $600 tonight loser.

So Many Ways to Squash you
Crushed under My powerful ass? No. Smothered in between My cleavage? NAH
Tease, abused, and left for d3ad. Huh little man? Don’t fret, I do figure out how to dispose of you.
BUY. I deserve to be #1.

The way it works

"i love when you use me Princess. i know that is the only attention you will ever give me, Princess."

I have so many little pieces, so many little clips, scattered through My computer just waiting. Waiting to use against you. Do NOT disappoint Me.
A MAN doesn’t fantasize about sucking cock. What does that make you? 

Cumdump – *sigh* TUITION and CAR PAYMENT are over due. I am emailing you a little task. I wouldn’t call it a punishment because you DO get something out of it. But I EXPECT ALL completed. 

Piggy Justin paid $500 tonight, $400+ due upon My return. Let’s make it $600 tonight loser.

So Many Ways to Squash you
Crushed under My powerful ass? No. Smothered in between My cleavage? NAH
Tease, abused, and left for d3ad. Huh little man? Don’t fret, I do figure out how to dispose of you.
BUY. I deserve to be #1.