I never see snow in Florida so I forgot all about it. But Kendra reminded Me of how cold and shitty it can be and how stupid she is so I made her play..

WEE belly flop.

I have so many cam caps n crap to add it’s not even funny. I should- from now on- charge to post your stupidity.

Whatever. I get My 52k M3 tomorrow and will be posting clips. Everyone suck a cock for cumdump, I will add it to his training queue!

And if you haven’t heard CLIPVIA IS the NEW thing.

HEY CUMDUMPbuy EVERY clip once and delete every clip before watching> just for Me. EVERYONES. I love sharing My wealth. I love spreading your cash round and round while you grovel and wallow in misery. After all, you are My bitch. My piece of lowly dog shit I STEPPED OVER. ha!

Blogging is a joke. I should charge slaves per word.

I found My old LJ tonight.
I was classy, so classy in it.

Created on 2003-03-21 13:52:54 (#13#####), last updated 2007-09-21

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