amazon and fat slobs

I’m not one for posting crappy tributes- but these were too easy.
One was for being stupid. I think there is a $20 one missing, he insulted Me and fixed it.

Then I get these shitty pics from another fat lump who begged to buy a clip and film himself for Me. After agreeing to My terms decides it’s too hard to use his expensive cam  to make a video and takes crappy photos. This was the least suck ass one,  if that says anything about the rest.


And easy $100 from a boot bitch. meow.




I Love Food

And TYMeggerz knows how to spend on Me. “she” is busy sleeping this week away because when ’she’ is not sleeping ’she’ is working hard for My cash. Right whore? hehe you are such a dumb fucking twat.

WE are going to make good use out of these.  cf


Mmmm and pigball went all out on Bonefish. Bang bang shrimp… if you ever visit Florida these are a MUST EAT.



Part I

Frankfurt- The relaxation and drinking before the touring storm.
Cheezing @ above the Rhine River in the Great Wine Valley.
Enjoying it.travels2
Istanbul was super scary (yea…..)

The Blue Mosque, alalalalalala 5 times a day.  My poor ears!
Reading broken English at Ephesus- which I would have rather been spending My time at the Grand Bazaar…
I am not religious, this place meant nothing holy to Me.
Saw a lot of these… $200 for fake shit, no thx.
