Birthday Sex

So I know it’s all been done before. WHAT HASN’T?
(I never claimed to have mad editing skillz either heh)
But these little babies are about to make their debut on ebanned.

And just a lil erked some retard bought instead of bid on My flipflops for $250. Not because Miss donna is going to pay for them anyway but because I spent My precious time putting that ad together to have it wiped off the net in a matter of minutes.

Birthday Sex

So I know it’s all been done before. WHAT HASN’T?
(I never claimed to have mad editing skillz either heh)
But these little babies are about to make their debut on ebanned.

And just a lil erked some retard bought instead of bid on My flipflops for $250. Not because Miss donna is going to pay for them anyway but because I spent My precious time putting that ad together to have it wiped off the net in a matter of minutes.

Little Miss donna

Hunny, you need a diet plan. I know I keep mentioning it but daaaaayum if I don’t need to get on it! My bra and dress look a hot mess on you!
Oh and that little giggle at 1:53 just confirmed to Me, if there were ever a doubt in My mind, that you were destined to be a sissy bitch!

Were you rubbing your breast while sucking that cock? hahaha wow. suck suck suck.

Surprise My little bitch with some sissy goodies!

btw- I want those Nike 6.0 low dunks.