you know you’re pathetic when…

you know you’re pathetic when…

it’s not enough to just buy My clips. you send Me an email glorifying your horny neediness…

Honoured Goddess Princess Meggerz,
thank YOU so much for YOUR perfect beauty….

YOUR german loser fag

Your credit card was billed $202.71 from Tropical Productions.
Clip(s) you have ordered:
Racial Ass Worship
Forced Intox

And just the fact that he ALWAYS buys out My store like this (and I am sure every other store) makes him an even bigger reject. No one cares you buy clips, loser. you’re just another nobody who can’t get Our attention. Don’t waste My time sending Me bullshit emails like this unless they are accompanied with tribute.

you know you’re pathetic when…

you send Me "artwork" and expect Me to give you a punishment for doing a shitty job. Nope, all I’ll do is tell you that you did a shitty job and you have to keep sending Me more until I am impressed. Rubbing yourself in shit and being a forced faggot is only a perk to those who can afford My abuse.

you know you’re pathetic when…

you send Me photos of your small ass tic tac dick. I know you sent them out to EVERYONE with a pulse in hopes of an insult.
*WARNING* this is highly sickening;

nice cock shahar


you know you’re pathetic when…

you email Me 101 times asking when I will post the clip of you wearing My dress eating My foot dust. Too bad I have to wait on you to resend Me the link or it would be posted, miss donna.

you know you’re pathetic when…
I could go on and on but I think we get the idea.

Having a blast here, I bet you didn’t know I am also in Africa. Don’t get your little panties in a bunch, I will be home soon.
Oh and cumdump, you better be stretching out that mangina of yours. And your throat will be open and begging for cock juice when I return. Love the vaca you bought for Me, will have to allow My cock sucking pig to beg to send Me on another real soon.