I’ve been receiving random gifts in the mail for the past 8 or so years so it honestly does take a lot to surprise me.
But it’s when a financial submissive, one who’s been around since my beginning and was quite possibly the first to binge clear my wishlist, who’s laid dormant for so long to pop up again and start spending without me saying a word that piques my interest. So CB, how long will this binge last? You admire from afar and show gratitude and that’s just the way I like you. Keep satiating my greed and I’ll keep posting photos that drive you wild. It’s our give and take, our vicious cycle and it’s perfect for the time being.

CB’s first $200’s worth of gift cards received.

and then I came home from vacation to discover another $250 in gift cards.
Of course there were a few other gifts but not enough of them to brag about.
Slave Saadi fulfilled his usual duties by tributing his whole paycheck… while I was on vacation might I add. I can’t even remember the last time that I allowed that arabic pig to see me on cam which makes victory even sweeter. I snap, he jumps. This pic’s for you, pig.

Weak Wallet & Snap Snap Chat both selflessly paid my airfare from Caye Caulker to Belize City to Cancun. Mistress T, Ceara Lynch, and I all decided last minute that it made much more sense to sleep in and fly for a few hours than get up at the crack of dawn to catch water taxi after bus all day long. Here’s to lack of planning and the good boys who pop up to pay for our lack of planning. Cheers!

Can’t you tell from this photo is how terrified I am of flying..?
Hey footboy,

you know who you are. I’m finishing up my blog to extract more cash from your wallet. And I LOVE the shoes.

Let’s all have a good laugh at this one. A longer post will soon follow.

Ass Addict can’t get enough.

Last and least, Cumdump, keep up the good work.
The rest of you, try harder.