1 minute 45 seconds.
This is my “WTF” face. But ya know if ya wanna pay for a 10 minute session, turn the cam on, shoot nut across the room (witnessing it fly from that tiny cock was rather shocking ), and run I’m A-OK with that.

Seems to be the theme nowadays. Pay for 10 minutes pop in 5. Again, completely A-OK with taking your money for an overpriced cam session. (Nig just won the record. 1:24, oh yeah.)
So next there’s “pathetic diaper boy” I’ve seen plastered all over other blogs lately. “Goo goo gaa gaa!” What a loser. “I’ve been in diapers for 11 years after I began wetting the bed. I wish you could see the nursery (basement) at my ex wife’s. She had a special crib and playpen made just for me!” Yay. But I’ll pass. Not unless ya wanna dig deeper into your pocke… er diaper and give me more babysitting money. I mean really, you’re only good for 2 things: a laugh and easy fast babysitting cash.

Guess what “pathetic diaper boy” has been taught to do with all his messes… Yep.
Kinda like this freakshow below. Ass obsessed panty wearing small penis loser. Says he wants to gobble on cock for me. Don’t doubt it. Cleans up after himself too. These bitches are nice and tidy. *dribble dribble lick lick* How’s the humpty pillow taste, hmm? Cumalicious I bet.
My little foot bitch has been making an impression lately. About a year ago I used to get heels and pedis before he fell off the bandwagon. Can’t say that he was missed but it’s always so uh… sweet… having my last 4 mani / pedi’s paid for in one lump sum along with the upcoming, more cash, and more boots. Which I love love *LOVE* by the way.

Anyone else wanna take over the mani / pedi payment regime? I’ve got about 4 onboard, can’t hurt to recruit a fifth. 4 errr 5 x $80 every two weeks… just think of it this way, if your money doesn’t go to this pedicure it will surely go to a future one.
Speaking of feet, my flipflop slippers are up for auction. So sad to see them go but I know you’ll appreciate them more than me.

Buy the clip HERE
Bid HERE and win the clip along with the flips.

And I shall leave you with this little gem. ;]

“Don’t you think that it’s boring how people talk
Making smart with their words again – well, I’m bored
Because I’m doing this for the thrill of it, killing it” er yeah, no.