Let’s just say that all it took was the flip of My webcam switch and voila! I am insta-set for the month. Not that there is ever enough cash that can be placed into My greedy little hands… but it’s just that easy for Me. I almost feel bad taking so much from you fools. Almost.
Ratboy begged for permission to eventually hand over what turned out to be $800 for nothing. I really know how to wiggle My way deep inside his subconscious and wreak havoc. Isn’t that right My little money whore? ;] “A puddle of obedience and submission.”
Let’s all welcome back the Brit Tit Lover. Pays big to cum quick. My fav.
Balldropper was allowed to play with a heavy wrench attached to his ball skin. And now he is locked up. Poor useless cock.

Kendra got put on the shit list for quite some time and was finally allowed back to serve. Awesome ass Kendra. You’re so hot fucking your asshole. And to think I was actually ok with only accepting his measly tribute and GrubHub order but then the slut goes and begs to finish off whats left in her account and sends Me more money. Clean shaven, awesome asshole, and now broke. At least you got to jizz on My commend. And no I will NOT edit out your face. It’s your punishment for the cum and run.

And poor innocent idiot W. Let’s just say he’s a bonafide shit eater now. I always attempt to come up with new lows for this eager slut and the other night was THE BEST. Fucked his asshole HARD with his tooth brush & then into his mouth it went! It was covered in his own shit and he really gave his “pearly browns” a thick coating before gagging and vomiting into I assume his shirt.

Now if only I can figure out how to juggle My insane social life with raping wallets I’d be a fucking genius. I’m too popular to sit here and entertain you little pervert’s habits. Take Me out for drinks, filet mignon, and $1050 in cash- I will even allow you to call it a “date.” That’s what I think I will be aiming more towards now.
Take exhibit A. for example. – Be jealous.

My little footboy drove up to see Me again not too long ago. And once again I allowed him to party with Me given he paid for it ALL. Took Me to a really cute cabaret style speak easy for yet another dream filet mignon and melt in your mouth pork chop. Even rewarded him with some foot massage and toe slobbing time.

And then this happens.

I love you Mabes!