Greece: Chapter 3 – The Foot Slut


I am going to jump ahead to chapter 3 but for the time being it’s only appropriate for me to begin my story of Greece with the mention of cumump. Most of you are aware of and are excruciatingly jealous of cumdump… which, I might add baffles my mind. Who in their right mind would be jealous of a cock craving, pay pig whore? (Although sometimes I do forget the caliber of ‘men’ I deal with.) One should only be jealous of the fact that I use my whore so appropriately, but anyway.

Over the years cumdump has proven to be at my complete and total disposal and I’ve proven that I’m only satisfied if I’m reaching my greedy little fingers even deeper into my whore’s pocket for my next exploit. It’s a win win in my book and my book is the only one the whore reads. So of course in true Meggerz fashion, I wanted another vacation and the rest is now history.

only travel business class internationally

Plans were made and Mistress T and I were off to our Grecian paradise. Business class of course.

Now there will be plenty of time for chapters 1 & 2, those chapters with more visually stimulating bikini photos and less reading but as I said we’re skipping ahead to chapter 3.

The Foot Slut:

He contacted us while in Mykonos and for some unexplainable reason we actually replied to his inquiry. Most emails were left ignored because we were too busy enjoying each others company laying beach side of paradise to deal with what we refer to as ‘work’. Yet somehow this one slipped through the uh… wrinkles.

He was pathetically insistent on taking us out for dinner and showing us some of the island. We had no car and the busses were a crowded bitch so, why not? Let’s let this guy drive us to Mykonos town and pay us to buy us a nice dinner. (In hindsight I think he was more interested in showing us off as his ‘date’… but either way he paid dearly for it.)


Drinks, dinner, and a little fun. I’m throwing this next photo in because I loved riding that carousel so damned much. ;]


And just when we thought we’d call it a night he literally begged for a date with my feet. I can’t even recall how much that evening cost him but I do remember it cost him enough.


Next day we took advantage of another little tour of the island and lunch. And he was lucky to get his photo taken with me. Kissing my feet on a busy road side overlooking the beautiful water was the bonus. Oh how truly romantic… hahahaa
public-foot-slaveThe rest of the day went like this: he did something stupid and he was taxed 50 Euro for it. That evening I even treated him to a little more under the table public foot worship. He was mortified and yet ever so grateful.


So who else can say they make such easy cash on a vacation that was completely paid for?

mistressT-meggerz-moneyOh and did I forget to mention cumdump is coming to NYC next month to exchange back the Euros I accidentally brought home with me at the exchange rate of my choosing? ;] My life, oh my life.


Unhung Loser

About a month ago I stumbled across Unhung Hero on Netflix and decided I’d entertain my morbid curiosity. Just as I’d guessed, it was about some loser who’s girlfriend rejected him due to the size of his penis.

Below is the clip that prompted the documentary. He figured that since he was already publically humiliated, why the hell not destroy any last shred of dignity still somewhere lurking deep within him. In my own opinion, he was so psychologically fucked up at this point that he decided it was time to embrace his “short cummings” and thrive on the documentaries ability to bring even more attention to his small penis (sound familiar, anyone?)

*Spoiler Alert*

Throughout the entirety of his journey he never once heard any reassuring words from anyone other than his own family. In the end, he gave up and accepted the fact that he would never be able to please a women. Yet somehow he managed to pick up a new girlfriend… Pffft come on, you and I both know that, that chick has got to be a dominatrix who is seeking her own pleasure by laughing at his tiny prick. A win win.

The moral of my story? A small penis is good for one thing and one thing only :

Public Humiliation

Just look what this one can do. Believe it or not I wasn’t highly amused. Except with the thumb pic, the first one, that was my brilliant idea. The rest were all poses he’s become accustomed to in order to show off his lack of penis size.

“You’re not going to post me? *pulls out cigarette and poses* ”

“Of course not… *click*”  All the while pretending as if my blog this is the only action this tiny cock is ever going to get.  Sigh.

small penis 06Small penis 01 small penis 04Small penis 02small penis 03small penis 05

Gay For (Not Only) Pay

Last night I had a revelation.

Initially I thought gay men turned me on. And of course this isn’t unusual. Most women become aroused by gay porn. Possibly because it appears as if the men involved are actually enjoying themselves. Nothing seems scripted, rehearsed, or over the top ridiculous. I myself have trouble watching conventional porn knowing how much effort goes into getting the right shot, how unrealistic everything looks and sounds, and how uncomfortable most of those damned positions are. But that’s beside my point.

I realized that for me to become aroused it has little to do with the actual man on man interaction and everything to do with being the only driving force behind one straight man’s desire to act in a gay manor for my pleasure.

And here’s an example I can pull from my teenage years. I was too young and naive to realized exactly what I was doing at the time and what it would lead up to but looking back upon this gave me an “ah ha!” moment as to why I am so great at what I do now.

I was about 15 year and hanging out with two of my guy friends. One of whom I knew had a major crush on me. Crush guy and friend wanted beer but had no money. I had the money but wanted something more out of my investment than just sharing a few beers. I knew then as I know now that the money only played a small part in what happened next.

I wanted to see them work for that money. A kiss. Just a small peck on the lips and I would give them enough for a 12 pack. They refused, assuming I’d eventually cave and spot them the cash. I refused knowing they would eventually give in, that all it would take was another push and a few teasing words. I knew crush guy had it bad enough for me that I’d get my way. I understood the power I held over him. He would convince his friend that it was a good idea, that they needed the beer money bad enough to perform an act they would never consider otherwise. And I ultimately knew it wasn’t about the money. The whole mind fuck I contrived seemed like an innocent enough way for them to earn the money but from that day forth I knew this kid would be putty in my hands.

They kissed, I won, we all shared beer. I shit you not.


So you now understand why I enjoy “Forced Bi” humiliation so much. All of this occured to me sooner but last night’s little phone session with Mikey motivated me to share it with the world much as I am sharing his kink with the world. Enjoy:

If the above video doesn’t work click HERE.
Go fetch Mikey
I’ll blog about Greece in the next few days. Too many photos to sort through.

Real Time Sessions & Slam Pig

Recently “Real Time” session requests have been popping up more frequently in my inbox from “fans” whom I’ve never before interacted with. Yes I live in NYC, an easily and highly accessible location for your typical submissive looking to experience his interpretation of what fetish is but what I do not understand is why it is assumed I’d go out of my way to meet a “fan” at his convince. It’s always the same email, some just worded more intelligently than others exclaiming, “I’ve been a fan for years!” As if that’s actually supposed to convince me you’re anyone other than a nobody. All I see is,  “Hi! I’m a complete stranger who’s been creeping around and jerking off to you for free. Now that I am going to be in your area I find it completely acceptable to expect more from you! Signed- a ‘devoted’ slave.” Pffffft.


I have more than enough “fans” to keep me busy without ever having to leave the comfort of own home. But hey, thanks for being such a devoted fan! Knowing you jerk off to me is almost as flattering as receiving your dick pic. Because what female doesn’t love those?

^If you think this was about you it probably is. You and the other 100 devoted fans.

Enough about nobodies. Back to more important things. Like me being featured on a well known NYC comedian and friend of mine, Josh Accardo‘s Slam Pig Podcast. He’s always been fascinated by the stories I’ve told him about using men for my benefit, especially since as I said above, I do it ALL from the comfort of my own home and so… without further adieu…


P.S. Florida was nice.

meggerz beach bikini

Desperate Cock Whore

You fall to your knees at just the thought of sucking cock for me. You are my pathetic cock whore. Or are you? Have you earned that title from me? Or are you lurking in the shadows rubbing your clitty and always craving to sink all the way down?

Forced bi strap-on dildo

Savory Or Sweet Strap-on Sucking – Which do you crave? Whichever I ram down your throat.

You’d do anything to be used by me. To drop into dick slobbering position and choke for me. But are you worthy? Have you earned that excitement? Cock ramming the back of your throat is pointless with out my guidance. You can gag, choke, and moan all you want but without me, it’s meaningless.

cock circle

So as of now you are nothing more than a wanna be bimbo. You dream of letting it all go and owning the title whore. But you are nothing. Nothing to me. Absolutely NOTHING.

Try harder. Amuse Me

amuse me

pay to obey